It seems that with everything in life, there always seems to be either a shortage or a surplus. It is hard to find something which is balanced out well and certainly not without tweaking. Let us take the example of hair growth shall we?

Humans have hair all over their body and on their heads and faces too. All of this hair has a specific purpose and although we sometimes do not understand what that purpose is, we realise that the hair is there by design and not by accident. When it comes to the hair on our head, we know that it is there to protect the head from the elements as well as injury, but it is also a part of our looking attractive. This is why we have people getting a hair transplant when they feel that they are losing the hair on their head.

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure where the hair is removed from place and grafted onto the scalp in order to cover up a bald patch. There are two different types of hair transplant, the FUE transplant and the traditional type. Both of these involve similar techniques, with a little difference. With the FUE transplant the hair is not taken in one long strip, and so there is a quicker recovery period and there is less chance of the scars showing.

On the opposite side of the coin, we have laser hair removal of unwanted hair. There are places where we do not find the appearance of hair attractive and so we do our best to remove this hair. On the body, we tend to wax, shave or use chemicals to remove the hair and on the face we use procedures such as threading, waxing and tweezing. The alternative to these treatments is to have either electrolysis or IPL, or laser treatments. The only permanent hair removal solution is to have electrolysis but this is often not suitable for large areas, and can be painful and costly.

With the use of lasers now becoming more common in the field of aesthetic medicine and cosmetic surgery, there are new treatments being offered. Lasers heat the melanin in the hair follicle, without damaging the surrounding skin. This will reduce the rate of hair growth and will require a few treatments before the results become evident. The best results are those for people who have a light coloured skin tone and dark hair.

Laser hair removal and laser tattoo removal are faster than electrolysis and there is less pain involved, although some people find that the hair can grow back in a treated area. The main thing that you need to remember is that the shill and experience of the person performing the treatment is important. The treatments take about fifteen minutes per session and are like a small electric shock to the skin. A cooling pad is administered before the treatments, and a soothing lotion is applied after the treatment.

_ Last night I had a dream that my hair had gone all brittle and lifeless just before a major event in which I was to be making a presentation in front of a large group of people. This may be a common dream for anyone who is used to making presentations or doing public speaking, but for someone like me who does not make speeches and lives a very quiet life; this was a most unusual dream.

Then I realised where the germ for the dream had come from. It was not, as I had supposed, a fear of embarrassing myself in front of people, but from the fact that I had had my hair dyed the day before! You see, I had tries out a new dye and would have been fine but for the fact that a friend who was with me at the time told me that some dyes can make your hair fall out very fast.

Now, I am not the type of person who tends to worry about a lot of things and I do not think that I am vain about my looks. However, I do have a lovely head of hair and I am proud of the way that my hair is glossy and soft and that when it is freshly washed and styled, I get many compliments on it. So yes you could say that I am vain about my hair. The only problem is that I have to dye it regularly and this is a bit of a nuisance, especially when I cannot find the time to fit in a visit to the salon. So this is when I have to resort to a 20 minute home job with a dyeing kit. I have never had a problem with any of these home kits and would recommend them to people.

I got to thinking about all the many things that we tend to worry about and which may never happen. On the other hand there are things which cause stress and worry which we have to think about and be wary against. The problem is that all of these worries can lead to early hair loss and this is a vicious cycle. The more you worry about hair loss, the more you will suffer from the same affliction.

There was a time when the most that you could do to cover the fact that you were losing your hair, was to wear a wig or a hair piece, or continually wear a hat in public. None of these actions were very natural and they included a lot of palaver each morning. Thanks to advances in the field of cosmetic surgery, you can now get a hair transplant which is permanent and is a one off process. A hair transplant can give you back a natural looking head of hair and the recovery process is now quite short. You will suffer from a little discomfort for a while.

While there are many things to be feared in this world, there are also many things which we fear unnecessarily. How many times have you spent worrying all night about an assignment or a report which needs handing urgently, only to find out later that there was no urgency? How about the way we worry about a pending interview or surgical procedure which turns out to be piece of cake in the end?

These are all things which we find ourselves stressing about and in many cases there is no need to panic. On the other hand, there are many things which we should panic about and don’t! Among these are things such as the polluting of the atmosphere, the affects of global warming and the problems with the environment. How many times have you made the decision to start improving your life, or your lifestyle, and then given up before you start to see any results? I know that I have done this so many times and each time I think to myself that this time it will be different and that I will persevere.

One of the few things which I have actually managed to keep up with is the routine which I established of looking after my hair. This was a conscious decision which I made after I found myself being confronted by the sight of strands of hair on my pillow each morning. I did some research into the subject and then decided that even though I could not completely control the rate at which I would lose my hair, I could still do certain things to affect it. In my family there was tendency for the men to go bald at quite a young age and for the women to also suffer from hair loss to an extent which meant that they often had to resort to hair loss treatments, both natural and medicated.

The fear of hair loss caused me to start watching my diet and making sure that I got all the necessary nutrients which my hair needed to grow well. I also started to massage my hair and scalp with oils which would strengthen the roots and the strands of hair too. Even things such as exercise were addressed and I started to make sure that I managed to fit regular exercise in to my daily routine. Even though all these actions may not slow down the rate of hair loss, at least I will feel that I have done everything that I possibly can.

If however, I find that I suffer from great hair loss, I can always turn to cosmetic surgery and to procedures such as having a hair transplant or the newer FUE hair transplant.There have been so many advances in the area of cosmetic surgery that there is now a much shorter recovery time from procedures such as a hair transplant. The other plus is a more natural looking result than before.

They say that the key to aging gracefully is to have the self confidence in your looks, no matter how much they change. I know of women who have gone grey at an early age and have refused to dye their hair. They now have thick glossy hair which is in good condition and they are not concerned with the fact that it is grey or white. They hold their heads up with pride and believe that they still look attractive and glamorous.

The fact is that a lot of beauty can never be measured as much of what makes a person appear attractive is on the inside. It is that certain air, that particular turn of the head, that sensual laugh or that twinkle in the eye, none of which can be pinned down. One of the most attractive things about a person is the way that they carry themselves, the way that they act and behave towards others and this is all down to their self image and the confidence that they have in themselves. Some people find that an arrogant stride works for them whereas others prefer someone who has a confident stride, and let us not forget that even the ambling gait of some people is attractive to certain people.

One of the things which can affect the confidence of a person is the way that their hair behaves or does not. We have all heard about how having a bad hair day can ruin someone’s mood for quite a while but what about those poor people who used to have lovely flowing locks but due to age, illness or some other cause, now have to face seeing the evidence of their loss on their pillows every morning. Losing your hair either completely or partially can make you feel as though you are no longer attractive, especially since the media has made us all think that unless you have thick shiny hair, you are a failure and unattractive.

We know that this is not true and there are many attractive people with no or thinning hair as you can see when you watch any movie. For men, hair loss can be total or partial and for some men it can be the start of a whole new lease of life, not having to worry about styles and that horrible combing over the scalp of the few remaining hairs. They carry their bald pates with pride and confidence and remain attractive to women.

For others however, baldness is something which needs to be fought and they do this in a number of ways with the most popular these days being the hair transplant and in particular, the FUE hair transplant. These are both procedures where the advances in cosmetic surgery have meant that there are fewer problems and a quicker recovery time for anyone choosing this path. These procedures give a more natural look to the head than wearing a wig or toupee.